
Have questions about cabinet painting in San Diego? We’ve got answers.

 Have questions about cabinet painting in San Diego? We’ve got answers.

Time for some cab­i­net paint­ing FAQ

Cab­i­net paint­ing is hands-down one of our most pop­u­lar paint­ing ser­vices in San Diego. Espe­cial­ly with home­own­ers being anx­ious to intro­duce more col­or in their kitchen, but with­out the mess and expense of a full remod­el, cab­i­net paint­ing is an attrac­tive option. Literally. 

But it also does raise a lot of real­ly good ques­tions. And based on our oth­er con­tent or out­side research you’ve done, you’ve gath­ered just how impor­tant it is to do the job right. So, to help stream­line your cab­i­net paint­ing research, we’ve com­piled a list of the top FAQ we hear from our San Diego clients. Ready to get started?

Q. Can you paint your kitchen cab­i­nets yourself?

Most home­own­ers don’t want to even attempt a job of this scale, but we’ll still address the ques­tion for the hard­core DIY-ers out there. Tech­ni­cal­ly, sure! You can paint your cab­i­nets your­self, but we guar­an­tee that the out­come won’t match what you’ll get from a pro­fes­sion­al cab­i­net paint job. That’s not a slight against you, but just a fact: cab­i­net paint­ing requires a very spe­cif­ic set of skills, prod­ucts, and tools that most home­own­ers don’t have. 

Some skilled do-it-your­selfers do have the paint­ing chops to make their cab­i­nets look good, but what about the long-term per­for­mance? Projects that look good for 6 months or a year aren’t guar­an­teed to look good 5 years from now. 

 Have questions about cabinet painting in San Diego? We’ve got answers.

Q. How do you paint kitchen cabinets?

Here’s an abbre­vi­at­ed recap of our process:

  • First, you receive a clear, detailed estimate.
  • Next, we’ll metic­u­lous­ly pre­pare and con­tain your kitchen. Cov­er floors, cov­er coun­ters, mask sur­faces, etc. 
  • Cab­i­net doors and draw­er faces are care­ful­ly removed and orga­nized. It’s a labor-inten­­sive process, but we do the prep right: clean­ing, degreas­ing, sand­ing, repairs, prim­ing, and top­coats. Every detail matters.
  • Once the paint­ing is com­plete, we care­ful­ly rein­stall the doors and draw­er faces. We’ll also make any need­ed touch-ups before a final walk-through with you. 

Q. Do you use reg­u­lar house paint for kitchen cabinets?

No! And that’s one of the first mis­takes home­own­ers make when they tack­le this kind of project them­selves. It’s essen­tial that you use high-qual­i­ty paint specif­i­cal­ly for­mu­lat­ed for cab­i­nets, trim, and oth­er sur­faces that expe­ri­ence a high lev­el of wear and tear. In fact, these prod­ucts have a hard, shinier fin­ish that takes the dura­bil­i­ty to a whole new level. 

Q. Do you brush or spray kitchen cabinets?

We use a com­bi­na­tion, depend­ing on the desired type of fin­ish, but the major­i­ty of our work is done with pro­fes­sion­al-grade spray equip­ment. This allows us to effi­cient­ly cre­ate that beau­ti­ful, smooth, fac­to­ry-like fin­ish you’re look­ing for. It’s also impor­tant to note that we do this work with­in a con­trolled envi­ron­ment, using an on-site spray booth. 

Q. Are paint­ed kitchen cab­i­nets durable?

This might be one of the most-asked ques­tions we hear. The answer is yes, as long as the project was han­dled and com­plet­ed cor­rect­ly. Cut cor­ners, min­i­mal prep, or using incor­rect prod­ucts all dras­ti­cal­ly cut down on long-term per­for­mance. Even if it costs more up front (and it will), hav­ing your cab­i­nets paint­ed by pro­fes­sion­als with proven expe­ri­ence is well worth the investment. 

Q. How much does it cost to paint kitchen cab­i­nets in San Diego?

It depends on a num­ber of fac­tors, but most projects are some­where in the $3500 – 6000 range. You can look at this arti­cle for more infor­ma­tion about how we arrive at that num­ber, what impacts the cost, etc. 

Have more ques­tions about cab­i­net paint­ing? Con­tact us at Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing today! We have over 40 years of local paint­ing expe­ri­ence, and would love to put our exper­tise to work for you.

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