
Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!

 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!

A lot more is involved with keep­ing your home’s sur­faces hap­py and pro­tect­ed than JUST apply­ing paint (as impor­tant as that is). That’s why our team at Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing offers more than expert paint appli­ca­tion, but also spe­cial­izes in repair­ing rot­ten wood, cracked stuc­co, and more. That makes it sim­ple for you (one-stop shop­ping is always a good thing), and it also makes it eas­i­er for us since we know that every aspect of the project can be han­dled in-house and to our stan­dards. If there is a spe­cial­ized ser­vice that requires out­side help, we have a net­work of trust­ed pro­fes­sion­als that we can tap into.

Today, let’s dive into an exte­ri­or paint­ing project we fin­ished recent­ly in Del Mar. And, you guessed it: the work required more than paint. The pho­tos tell the sto­ry bet­ter than we ever could, so we’ll walk you through our process step by step, explain­ing each stage. Kind of like your own, per­son­al exte­ri­or paint­ing tour guide.


Step 1: A Look At the Del Mar Home

Beau­ti­ful home, isn’t it? But if you look clos­er you’ll see some prob­lems: failed paint, wood rot, and damage.

 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!

Step 2: Prep and Repairs

Using a vari­ety of prod­ucts, we focused on remov­ing the dam­aged wood, stop­ping the spread of any rot, and filling/​repairing the sur­face. Keep scrolling to see the after shots!

 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!

Step 3: On With The Rest Of The Exte­ri­or Painting!

At this point we could reverse the mask­ing: cov­er­ing what we had just repaired and paint­ed to pro­tect it while we worked on the sid­ing and trim. We absolute­ly love how it turned out, espe­cial­ly the warm neu­tral paired with the stone façade. 

 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!
 Exterior Painting and Wood Rot Repair in Del Mar, CA: Project Spotlight!

Are You Look­ing for Exte­ri­or Paint­ing in Del Mar or the San Diego Area?

Con­tact us at Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing! We have over 40 years of local res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial paint­ing expe­ri­ence and would love to serve you and your home.

Let’s Get Started

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We’ll do the work

Our painters will deliver exactly what we discussed. And they're actual, trusted employees - not subcontractors. Refreshing, right?


Enjoy the results!

Let's check out the finished product together. We want to be sure everything came out just right. 100% satisfied? We'd rather you be 100% thrilled.

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