
How Much Does It Cost To Paint Kitchen Cabinets In San Diego In 2023?

 How Much Does It Cost To Paint Kitchen Cabinets In San Diego In 2023?

We get asked a lot of great ques­tions about cab­i­net paint­ing in San Diego, but the one we hear the most? You guessed it: how much does it cost to paint kitchen cabinets?

Well, it depends. 

Let’s drill down into the ques­tion and take a look at what’s involved and what you can expect at dif­fer­ent price points. At Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing, we believe in full trans­paren­cy and help­ing you make the right deci­sion for your home, goals, and budget. 

3 pric­ing options for your kitchen cab­i­net repaint

Option 1: Cheap

The most basic cab­i­net repaint will include a brushed and rolled fin­ish. Your painter won’t remove doors or draw­ers, but will do a sol­id job keep­ing every­thing masked and in place. Will it look like it came from a fac­to­ry? No. But it’s eco­nom­i­cal and decent, prob­a­bly cost­ing about $1,500 depend­ing on the size of your kitchen, and it will like­ly last a few years. 

Option 2: Mid­dle of the Road

Your cab­i­net painter has a good han­dle on the process, remov­ing all the doors and draw­er faces. Either on-site or at a spray shop, they spray your doors and draw­ers, but still use a brush and roller on your cab­i­net box­es. They like­ly use a bet­ter qual­i­ty paint too; maybe even a pre-cat­alyzed lac­quer. The fin­ish looks much bet­ter than the cheap” option and will last longer too. This paint job will cost more like $4,000 – 5,000.

Option 3: Best 

This cab­i­net painter knows their stuff. Doors, draw­er faces, and hard­ware are removed and thor­ough­ly prepped (degreas­ing, sand­ing, prim­ing, and mul­ti­ple top­coats), and your cab­i­net box­es are sprayed too for a uni­form fin­ish qual­i­ty. Mask­ing and project con­tain­ment is metic­u­lous. Every step is designed for per­for­mance, and the fin­ish looks like it came right from the fac­to­ry. This option costs more like $5,0007500, or as much as $10,000 – 12,000 if you have a very large kitchen and/​or island. 

 How Much Does It Cost To Paint Kitchen Cabinets In San Diego In 2023?

Is cab­i­net paint­ing less expen­sive than a remodel?

Yes! Even if you choose the best” option, cab­i­net paint­ing costs much less than a full remod­el. 50 – 75% less in many cases.

What should you keep in mind?

Cer­tain­ly con­sid­er your bud­get, but also your goals and how long you’ll be in your home. If you’re refresh­ing a rental prop­er­ty or just doing a quick update, the cheap­er route might be fine. But if you’re invest­ing in your for­ev­er home, we would strong­ly rec­om­mend a bet­ter qual­i­ty, longer-last­ing paint job. Ulti­mate­ly you know best, but we do want to be sure you know what to expect.

We would also cau­tion you, espe­cial­ly if you’re pay­ing the Best” rates, to ask your painter for sam­ples of their work and a detailed overview of their process. Cab­i­net paint­ing is a big deal, and you deserve to have a trust­wor­thy professional.

Do you have more ques­tions about cab­i­net painting?

Con­tact us at Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing! We’re here to help and would love to share more details about our approach, process, and paint­ing philosophy. 

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