If you are tired of researching service companies to do work on your home and can't rely on the yellow pages anymore, we have a solution for you! We have partnered with a company called "ToFixIt!" that provides homeowners with quality references of the best service companies for your home, office and life. They recommend only the best and toss the rest (their tag line). In order to be a certified ToFixIt! contractor, one must have the highest of standards and be in good standing with the Better Business Bureau. ToFixIt! removes all the tedious guess work and gives you confidence that everyone who they recommend will provide you with great service. If they don't, they'll toss them from the list and get someone to replace them.
Chism Brothers Painting and Peek Brothers Painting are the two certified ToFixIt! painting contractors in San Diego. We are proud to partner with Peek Brothers, because they share the same vision as we do: providing the best service and doing a quality job.
So throw your yellow page books away and rely on ToFixIt! to provide you with the people you can trust to work for you. Visit ToFixIt.com for more info.
Tell us more about your project, then we’ll provide a clear, detailed estimate for you to review.
Our painters will deliver exactly what we discussed. And they're actual, trusted employees - not subcontractors. Refreshing, right?
Let's check out the finished product together. We want to be sure everything came out just right. 100% satisfied? We'd rather you be 100% thrilled.
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