
Outdoor furniture refinishing in Del Mar, CA

 Outdoor furniture refinishing in Del Mar, CA

While we don’t often refin­ish fur­ni­ture as a stand­alone ser­vice, this par­tic­u­lar client had already invit­ed us to com­plete a num­ber of oth­er paint­ing projects around their Del Mar home. Refin­ish­ing projects too, includ­ing stain­ing a gor­geous garage door.

So, when they asked about stain­ing their wood­en out­door fur­ni­ture, we were hap­py to help. Raul, our res­i­den­tial stain wiz­ard” worked his mag­ic once again. 

Before and after: stain­ing out­door furniture

The pic­tures tell the major­i­ty of the sto­ry here! Be sure to click through to get a full per­spec­tive, and then we have a few tips and ideas for you below. 

 Outdoor furniture refinishing in Del Mar, CA
 Outdoor furniture refinishing in Del Mar, CA
 Outdoor furniture refinishing in Del Mar, CA
 Outdoor furniture refinishing in Del Mar, CA
 Outdoor furniture refinishing in Del Mar, CA

Why is wood refin­ish­ing important?

Is it beau­ti­ful? Absolute­ly, and that’s worth a lot in itself. But stain offers a few more prac­ti­cal benefits:

  • UV-resis­tance. Our San Diego weath­er is a joy, but all that sun­shine is tough on your wood sur­faces. Stain is like sun­screen for your wood, let­ting all that nat­ur­al warmth soak in but repelling the harm­ful rays that fade and deteriorate. 

  • Mois­ture-resis­tance. Left unpro­tect­ed, wood falls prey to mois­ture very, very quick­ly. This is how rot sets in, which then can only be repaired by invest­ing in more sub­stan­tial wood repair, replace­ment, and filling. 

  • Pest-resis­tance. Just like the rest of us, pests are hap­py to find a path of least resis­tance. Unfin­ished wood offers an easy entrance, espe­cial­ly once it’s com­pro­mised by decay from the oth­er ele­ments work­ing against it.

How often do you need to refin­ish wood surfaces?

It depends, but we typ­i­cal­ly rec­om­mend refin­ish­ing every 2 – 3 years. Sur­faces can some­times go much longer. The key is to real­ly mon­i­tor and main­tain, rather than just wait until the wood is in des­per­ate need of atten­tion. If you wait too long you’ve made it vul­ner­a­ble to all the threats we list­ed above which negates the ben­e­fits of stain­ing in the first place. 

Have more ques­tions about exte­ri­or paint­ing and stain­ing in San Diego?

We’re here to help! Con­tact us at Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing today and let’s cre­ate a plan for pro­tect­ing, main­tain­ing, and enhanc­ing all your surfaces. 

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