
Project Spotlight! Front Porch Painting in Poway, CA

 Project Spotlight! Front Porch Painting in Poway, CA

We fea­ture a lot of awe­some trans­for­ma­tions in our blog, from paint­ing kitchen cab­i­nets to wood rot repair, exte­ri­or repaints to wood refin­ish­ing.

But you know what part of your home gets a lot of use, but not a lot of love? The front porch. It’s a main hub, see­ing foot traf­fic, Ama­zon pack­ages, and your dog scram­bling to get out­side, but it’s also an oasis. A qui­et place to sit and soak in the cool of the evening. 

That’s why we’re thrilled to be able to show­case a gor­geous porch repaint, com­ing to you from Poway, CA. We should note that we fin­ished a num­ber of oth­er projects for our client as well, but this one is a favorite. 

Care­ful­ly paint­ing a front porch

It began with the rail­ings: mask­ing off and cov­er­ing the porch floor, then paint­ing the sur­faces. After that, we could remove the mask­ing and paint the floor itself. 

The col­ors are crisp and invit­ing, flow­ing beau­ti­ful­ly with the rest of the field and trim palette. All ready for the home­own­ers to move their fur­ni­ture back out and enjoy the space!

 Project Spotlight! Front Porch Painting in Poway, CA
 Project Spotlight! Front Porch Painting in Poway, CA
 Project Spotlight! Front Porch Painting in Poway, CA
 Project Spotlight! Front Porch Painting in Poway, CA
 Project Spotlight! Front Porch Painting in Poway, CA
 Project Spotlight! Front Porch Painting in Poway, CA

Should you paint or stain a porch in San Diego?

It’s a great ques­tion! And hon­est­ly, it applies to decks as well. Here are a few thoughts to keep in mind.

Unlike stain, paint sits right on top of the wood. This means that you can apply it more quick­ly, it looks great, and it cov­ers over any blem­ish­es. It can fail more quick­ly than stain, espe­cial­ly with sea­son­al tem­per­a­ture changes, but that’s not real­ly as much of an issue here in San Diego. 

The oth­er key con­sid­er­a­tion is your aes­thet­ic pref­er­ence. If you have a real affin­i­ty for wood grain and more nat­ur­al style, then a stain would be a bet­ter fit. But if you’re look­ing for prac­ti­cal­i­ty, easy main­te­nance, and a quick­er appli­ca­tion process, paint is the way to go. 

Have ques­tions about deck or porch paint­ing in San Diego?

Con­tact us at Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing! We’d love to help, answer­ing any of your ques­tions along the way.

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