
Residential vs. Commercial Painting

Hire a Residential Painting Contractor! Most painting contractors in San Diego advertise they paint apartments, condos, commercial buildings, and houses. On the surface it sounds good that a paint company would offer such a wide variety of services. However, residential painting is very different than painting a condo complex or commercial building. By the way, Chism Brothers Painting is one of the only professional painting companies in town that offers only home painting services. Almost all of our competitors offer commercial painting. Back in the 1980's and early 1990's, we began to offer the same thing as most other companies but did not find much success. Our specialty was painting fine homes in San Diego, but for a time, we began to compete in the commercial projects around town thinking we would expand our business and make everyone happy. The problem we were running into was that our competition was bidding jobs for dirt cheap and producing them. This was possible by hiring cheaper labor and doing lower quality work. People hiring commercial painters are not looking for the perfect paint job. Painting apartments, condos and other commercial buildings requires some skill but less attention to detail. The painters we have seen and sometimes hired that specialized in commercial painting did not always have a high level of painting skills to paint in fine homes. In the mid 1990's, we decided to step down from the larger projects and become solely a residential painting company. We made this decision so that our quality and customer service would be consistent and even better. We did not want to hire cheap help. We wanted to hire people of great character and train them to be the finest craftsmen in San Diego. We hire our employees to paint with the greatest concern for our client's home and train them to understand proper preparation and have a knowledge of products and proper cleanup. If you receive estimates from companies that offer commercial and residential painting, Chism Brothers Painting will be the highest bid most of the time. The other companies' quality or attention to detail will be inferior. They will find ways to get the job done quickly. We will not rush through a project. Some of these companies will definitely be great to work for, but if you are looking for the best value and customer care possible, please consider talking to us further about your project. Our clients hire us because they want a great experience and a company that will always stand behind their work. The excellent value and the accurate estimates we give to our clients make them feel comfortable that we will do the job right.
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We’ll do the work

Our painters will deliver exactly what we discussed. And they're actual, trusted employees - not subcontractors. Refreshing, right?


Enjoy the results!

Let's check out the finished product together. We want to be sure everything came out just right. 100% satisfied? We'd rather you be 100% thrilled.

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    Phone (858) 454-3850
    7958 Convoy Ct
    San Diego, CA 92111
    CA Contractor Lic #491884
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