Are you aware that nearly every paint company that you request an estimate from will say that they help with colors? How do you think they will do that? Probably not much different than the way we all look for colors: Color Chips, Magazines, Color Charts, etc. Most painters and estimators will have good ideas about color and can provide excellent advice on colors that are appealing.
If you are satisfied with sampling by painting on 12 different color samples that a paint company told you to try or ones you "think" you like, the best of luck to you! We have heard from too many homeowners that they are tired of that process. They would rather not paint samples on the walls or spend a Saturday looking at color charts. Chism Brothers Painting has provided a new way to help our clients in the color process. We have teamed up with several high quality interior designers in San Diego. We have selected them based on their personality, expert color advice (as we have observed them in action), and the excellent reports we have received from our clients.
How does it work?
When you schedule an estimate from Chism Brothers, our estimator will discuss the project with you and give you a verbal idea of the cost. Once you decide to move to the next step, he will write up a formal contract for you to approve. Next, the estimator will set up a design consultation with a designer in your area. Finally, our project manager will paint one or two samples on your surface to make sure you are comfortable with your color selections.
This is a free service for our clients. We have had clients that had a general idea of the colors they wanted to use but still took advantage of our design service to help them gain peace of mind about their color selection. When you hire Chism Brothers, you will see and feel a difference in the service and the quality. We stand behind our word.
Tell us more about your project, then we’ll provide a clear, detailed estimate for you to review.
Our painters will deliver exactly what we discussed. And they're actual, trusted employees - not subcontractors. Refreshing, right?
Let's check out the finished product together. We want to be sure everything came out just right. 100% satisfied? We'd rather you be 100% thrilled.
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