
Customer Check List

Cus­tomer To Do” List

In order to pro­vide you with the best pos­si­ble ser­vice and to answer many fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions, we ask you to read the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion before we begin your project. Please feel free to give us a call if you have addi­tion­al ques­tions or concerns. 

Prepar­ing your home for inte­ri­or painting

  • Remove small­er pic­tures and wall hangings. 
  • Noti­fy fore­man which ones will not go back so we can patch holes. 
  • Remove small acces­sories, lamps, plants, and del­i­cate or break­able items from the work area. 
  • Remove win­dow cov­er­ings that are del­i­cate or in any­way need spe­cial atten­tion. Please inform the fore­man of spe­cial needs and secu­ri­ty wired openings. 
  • Please point out to the fore­man windows/​doors that are tint­ed or coated. 
  • Remove con­tents of clos­ets, cab­i­nets and shelv­ing, if the inte­ri­ors of those areas are to be paint­ed. If the inte­ri­ors are not to be paint­ed, it may still be advan­ta­geous to remove cab­i­net con­tents because of the dust, etc. Dis­cuss par­tic­u­lar con­cerns with the project man­ag­er or fore­man. Dis­cuss with Esti­ma­tor if you may need assis­tance with obtain­ing wardrobe containers. 
  • Remove mats, tow­els and per­son­al items from bath­rooms Remove items from kitchen counters. 

We typ­i­cal­ly work in sev­er­al rooms at a time, so room con­tents can be placed in oth­er areas while we work. If your project has sev­er­al areas, please let us know so that we can work out the sequence that will best meet your sched­ul­ing needs. 

If you do not feel com­fort­able mov­ing or tak­ing down some­thing large or com­pli­cat­ed, please leave it in place and we will be able to make suit­able arrange­ments. This would espe­cial­ly include such items as large clocks, pianos, elec­tron­ic & video equip­ment etc. 

Prepar­ing your home for exte­ri­or painting

  • Trim back foliage from exte­ri­or area to be paint­ed. Dis­cuss par­tic­u­lar needs with estimator/​foreman.
  • Move small planters and break­able plant pots from the areas where the painters will be work­ing. Please point out areas/​items of par­tic­u­lar con­cern to the foreman. 
  • Make sure that hoses, sprin­klers and gar­den­ing tools are moved out of the way. 
  • Turn off auto­mat­ic gar­den sprin­kler systems. 
  • Please have your vehi­cles (and your neigh­bors’ if nec­es­sary) parked a safe dis­tance from the paint­ing as appro­pri­ate. Dis­cuss with fore­man if this is not prac­ti­cal. We have avail­able car cov­ers when needed. 

Work­ing with our crew 

  • We will need a small area (approx. 100 sf) typ­i­cal­ly in the garage, patio or side stor­age area to keep our sup­plies and equip­ment. Please let us know if you have a spe­cif­ic area in mind. 
  • If there is a spe­cif­ic restroom we should use, please let the fore­man know the loca­tion, unless a portable facil­i­ty has been request­ed in your contract. 
  • Unless we are load­ing or unload­ing, we will try not to block your vehi­cle, but let us know if you have spe­cif­ic areas for us to park. 
  • Please make arrange­ments to keep your pets out of work areas. Also, please let us know your pets’ names and any spe­cif­ic instructions. 
  • Dis­able the alarm sys­tem or pro­vide a code for our use. 
  • Our nor­mal hours are Mon­day 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM and Tues­day through Fri­day 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. If no one will be home when we arrive or depart, please make arrange­ments with us such as: unlocked door, a key for our use, a hid­den key, an over­head remote con­trol or door key­pad code. 
  • The secu­ri­ty of your home is impor­tant to us. We will use the sys­tem with which you feel com­fort­able. Please let us know if there is some­one we should pro­vide access to while you are away. 
  • If you will be away while we per­form the work, please make us aware of the dates, and phone num­bers, email, or a local per­son we can call if a prob­lem aris­es. Please let your alarm com­pa­ny know that we will be per­form­ing work while you are away. 

Chism Broth­ers will per­form the fol­low­ing as part of our ser­vice to you: 

  • Move all non-break­able fur­ni­ture and group in the cen­ter of the room. 
  • Cov­er fur­ni­ture in paint­ing areas with clean plastic. 
  • Remove door and win­dow hard­ware, and re-install upon completion. 
  • Pro­tect your inte­ri­or floor cov­er­ings with clean drop cloths and exte­ri­or areas when nec­es­sary with exte­ri­or drop cloths. 
  • Vac­u­um each room and replace fur­ni­ture upon com­ple­tion of job. 
  • Remove paint relat­ed debris from your premises. 
  • We will leave suit­able amounts of the fin­ish mate­ri­als for touchup pur­pos­es in clean, well marked con­tain­ers along with a full list of materials/​colors.

Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing takes pride in our pro­fes­sion­al­ism and crafts­man­ship. We take time to pre­pare and pro­tect your prop­er­ty as if it were our own, and to pro­vide the best pos­si­ble ser­vice to com­plete your project in an effi­cient and time­ly manner.

Finally! The painting experience you’ve been looking for.

  • Skilled, friendly painters
  • Careful attention to detail
  • No messes to clean up
  • Never get stuck managing your own project
  • Easy communication
  • Beautiful results, on time and as promised
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We’ll do the work

Our painters will deliver exactly what we discussed. And they're actual, trusted employees - not subcontractors. Refreshing, right?


Enjoy the results!

Let's check out the finished product together. We want to be sure everything came out just right. 100% satisfied? We'd rather you be 100% thrilled.

Customer Check List

Good Character

Honesty. Integrity. Making sure the job is done right. Skills are important, but this is the part of our reputation we’re most proud of.
Customer Check List

Fine Craftsmanship

Call us old fashioned, but we love old-school craftsmanship. Clean lines, skilled hands, and a deep satisfaction in what we do…
Customer Check List

Our Value

When you need a beautiful, lasting paint job, you can’t cut corners or skimp on the process. The value is found in doing the job right.

Our Promise

We don’t take your trust lightly. These promises reflect who we are, how we conduct our business, and the core values that guide every step of our process. We promise to:

  • Share a commitment to the total success of your project
  • Hold ourselves to high standards
  • Ensure your comfort with our employees
  • Respect your property
  • Never cut corners, but deliver on our reputation for craftsmanship
  • Use the best products for peak performance
  • Ensure that you will love the painting process and results!

Our Customers Love Us

“As new homeowners we were a little lost on how to go about getting our kitchen cabinets painted, but Chism Brothers Painting made the process extremely easy for us by providing high-quality work and service. We shopped around quotes from a few businesses and found Chism Brothers to be very affordable, and very informative...”
M. Patterson, Downtown
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    Phone (858) 454-3850
    7958 Convoy Ct
    San Diego, CA 92111
    CA Contractor Lic #491884
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