
Safety on the Job

It is the policy and practice of Chism Brothers Painting to provide every reasonable protection of our clients' homes and our employees while painting, sanding, stripping and refinishing. Every Chism Brothers employee participates in ongoing training in safety and housekeeping practices. We maintain high standards of air quality, protect all interior furnishings and surfaces, and use guards and protective devices to safeguard our employees.

Safety on the Job

Our clients trust Chism Broth­ers to main­tain the high­est safe­ty stan­dards in their home, a priv­i­lege we take very seriously.

It is the pol­i­cy of Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing that every­thing rea­son­ably pos­si­ble will be done to pro­tect our employ­ees from acci­dents and injuries while on the job.

  1. All employ­ees will fol­low these safe prac­tice rules, assist safe oper­a­tions in every way you can, and report all unsafe con­di­tions and prac­tices to your supervisor.
  2. All employ­ees will be giv­en fre­quent acci­dent pre­ven­tion instruction.
  3. If you are known to be under the influ­ence of alco­hol and/​or drugs, you will not be allowed to work.
  4. If you are known to be so tired, ill or upset that your abil­i­ty or alert­ness is impaired enough to expose you or oth­ers to injury, you will not be allowed to work.
  5. Make sure that all guards and oth­er pro­tec­tive devices are in place and cor­rect­ly adjust­ed, and report defi­cien­cies prompt­ly to the supervisor.
  6. Horse­play, scuf­fling and sim­i­lar acts that tend to endan­ger the safe­ty or well being of oth­er employ­ees are prohibited.
  7. Plan ahead and be sure that ade­quate super­vi­sion is avail­able when work­ing with equip­ment or han­dling heavy loads.
  8. Do not han­dle or attempt to repair any elec­tri­cal equip­ment, machin­ery or air/​water lines unless this is your job or unless you have received instruc­tion from your super­vi­sor in safe prac­tices to be fol­lowed. Think Safety.
  9. Prac­tice good house­keep­ing at all times.
  10. Super­vi­sors will hold reg­u­lar safe­ty meet­ings, which all employ­ees will be required to attend.
  11. Report all injuries and near miss­es prompt­ly to your super­vi­sor so that arrange­ments can be made for med­ical and/​or first-aid treatment.

Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing holds reg­u­lar safe­ty meet­ings where all employ­ees are required to attend.

Finally! The painting experience you’ve been looking for.

  • Skilled, friendly painters
  • Careful attention to detail
  • No messes to clean up
  • Never get stuck managing your own project
  • Easy communication
  • Beautiful results, on time and as promised
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Safety on the Job

Good Character

Honesty. Integrity. Making sure the job is done right. Skills are important, but this is the part of our reputation we’re most proud of.
Safety on the Job

Fine Craftsmanship

Call us old fashioned, but we love old-school craftsmanship. Clean lines, skilled hands, and a deep satisfaction in what we do…
Safety on the Job

Our Value

When you need a beautiful, lasting paint job, you can’t cut corners or skimp on the process. The value is found in doing the job right.

Our Promise

We don’t take your trust lightly. These promises reflect who we are, how we conduct our business, and the core values that guide every step of our process. We promise to:

  • Share a commitment to the total success of your project
  • Hold ourselves to high standards
  • Ensure your comfort with our employees
  • Respect your property
  • Never cut corners, but deliver on our reputation for craftsmanship
  • Use the best products for peak performance
  • Ensure that you will love the painting process and results!

Our Customers Love Us

“Chism Bros. did a fantastic job on our recent fence and pergola staining project. The crew was courteous, on time, and left no messes. Chism Bros. is a joy to work with!”
B. Hager, Mission Hills
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    Phone (858) 454-3850
    7958 Convoy Ct
    San Diego, CA 92111
    CA Contractor Lic #491884
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