
Our Company Story

 Our Company Story

I am excit­ed to share some brief his­to­ry about my dad and dear uncle Pat who went by Pat the Painter.” I have so many fond mem­o­ries grow­ing up in a paint­ing busi­ness. Enjoy! — David C.

Char­ac­ter and Crafts­man­ship: A Lega­cy Reimagined

Meet Pat and Mike, the vision­ary Broth­ers” behind Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing, herald­ing the fourth gen­er­a­tion of mas­ter painters. Their jour­ney in the world of paint­ing began in the 1960s and 70s in San Diego when, as young appren­tices, they immersed them­selves in the crafts­man­ship of paint­ing under their father’s guid­ance. Beyond hon­ing their artis­tic skills, their father impart­ed valu­able lessons on char­ac­ter and the intrin­sic rewards of a job exe­cut­ed with excellence.

In 1982, Pat and Mike offi­cial­ly found­ed Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing, mark­ing the com­mence­ment of a lega­cy that spans over four decades. Indi­vid­u­al­ly ded­i­cat­ed to their craft, they have exem­pli­fied the seam­less inte­gra­tion of char­ac­ter and crafts­man­ship. The eth­i­cal stan­dards instilled by their father guide the selec­tion of a team that shares a com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty and integrity.

Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing has always been a fam­i­ly oper­a­tion. Even Mike’s kids have been active­ly involved in the busi­ness, con­tin­u­ing the tra­di­tion into the present day. How­ev­er, the pas­sage of time brought pro­found change in 2006 when the paint­ing com­mu­ni­ty mourned the loss of Pat Chism. His lega­cy, built on supe­ri­or crafts­man­ship and unwa­ver­ing char­ac­ter, con­tin­ues to inspire every stroke of the brush.

Tran­si­tion unfold­ed in 2023 as Mike Chism, hav­ing ded­i­cat­ed decades to the busi­ness, chose to retire. The reins of Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing were hand­ed over to David Chism, Mike’s son, who has been an inte­gral part of the busi­ness since its inception.

David’s jour­ney is a tapes­try of diverse expe­ri­ences with­in the com­pa­ny. From his ear­ly days work­ing in the field to con­tribut­ing to mar­ket­ing, sales, and oper­a­tions, David embod­ies the spir­it of the Chism lega­cy. For a sea­son, dur­ing school, he was in charged with keep­ing on the CBP vehi­cles squeaky clean too! With enthu­si­asm and pride, he steps into the role of the new own­er, eager to con­tin­ue the fam­i­ly tradition.

David’s cur­rent” fam­i­ly photo

2013 Video? Really? 

The video below is an oldie but a good­ie. It was filmed back in around 2013. My dad was still the own­er and oper­a­tor. I just could not remove it, because what is said in this video real­ly is true before, then and now! My dad and uncle real­ly built a fan­tas­tic orga­ni­za­tion. I hope you can expe­ri­ence a great paint­ing expe­ri­ence too. The video, it’s a long one — over 2 min­utes. Buck­le up! — David Chism

Finally! The painting experience you’ve been looking for.

  • Skilled, friendly painters
  • Careful attention to detail
  • No messes to clean up
  • Never get stuck managing your own project
  • Easy communication
  • Beautiful results, on time and as promised
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Our Company Story

Good Character

Honesty. Integrity. Making sure the job is done right. Skills are important, but this is the part of our reputation we’re most proud of.
Our Company Story

Fine Craftsmanship

Call us old fashioned, but we love old-school craftsmanship. Clean lines, skilled hands, and a deep satisfaction in what we do…
Our Company Story

Our Value

When you need a beautiful, lasting paint job, you can’t cut corners or skimp on the process. The value is found in doing the job right.

Our Promise

We don’t take your trust lightly. These promises reflect who we are, how we conduct our business, and the core values that guide every step of our process. We promise to:

  • Share a commitment to the total success of your project
  • Hold ourselves to high standards
  • Ensure your comfort with our employees
  • Respect your property
  • Never cut corners, but deliver on our reputation for craftsmanship
  • Use the best products for peak performance
  • Ensure that you will love the painting process and results!

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“As new homeowners we were a little lost on how to go about getting our kitchen cabinets painted, but Chism Brothers Painting made the process extremely easy for us by providing high-quality work and service. We shopped around quotes from a few businesses and found Chism Brothers to be very affordable, and very informative...”
M. Patterson, Downtown
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