
How To Care for Painted Cabinets in San Diego

 How To Care for Painted Cabinets in San Diego

If you’re read­ing this, there’s a good chance you’re in one of two positions.

First, you may have just paint­ed your kitchen cab­i­nets and want to be SURE you know how to care for them. It makes sense! Cab­i­net paint­ing done right is an invest­ment, and you’re smart to take the steps need­ed to keep them look­ing their best.

Or, you may be inter­est­ed in cab­i­net paint­ing and try­ing to gauge how much main­te­nance is involved. As a pro­fes­sion­al cab­i­net painter in San Diego, we’re all too famil­iar with the fears about whether or not paint­ed cab­i­nets real­ly last, how prac­ti­cal they are, etc. 

We’ll dig into cab­i­net care tips below„ but here’s a real quick take­away: the longevi­ty and dura­bil­i­ty of your cab­i­net fin­ish is direct­ly linked to the qual­i­ty of the paint job. If cor­ners are cut for the sake of a low­er price point, you will like­ly need to repaint your cab­i­nets in the next few years (maybe soon­er). You absolute­ly have to find a painter who knows the process, uses the right prod­ucts, and invests time in metic­u­lous preparation. 

Car­ing for paint­ed kitchen cabinets

After you invest in that beau­ti­ful paint job, you only need to think about rou­tine clean­ing and main­te­nance. Here’s what you should know:

  1. Use Soft Cloths: When wip­ing down your cab­i­nets, use a soft cloth or microfiber tow­el to avoid scratches.

  2. Avoid Harsh Clean­ing Agents: Harsh chem­i­cals can dam­age the fin­ish on paint­ed cab­i­nets. Use a mild clean­ing solu­tion, such as a mix­ture of water and dish soap, to clean your cabinets.

  3. Keep Cab­i­nets Dry: Water can dam­age the fin­ish on paint­ed cab­i­nets, so be sure to wipe up any left­over mois­ture as soon as possible.

  4. Clean Rou­tine­ly: Catch­ing spills, splat­ters, and residue ear­ly pre­vents the need for more aggres­sive clean­ing lat­er on. Keep­ing on top of it makes all the difference.

 How To Care for Painted Cabinets in San Diego

Cab­i­net paint­ing FAQ

Q: How long does it take to paint kitchen cabinets?

A: The amount of time it takes to paint kitchen cab­i­nets varies depend­ing on the size of the kitchen, the con­di­tion of the cab­i­nets, and the com­plex­i­ty of the project. On aver­age, it takes about 5 days to paint kitchen cabinets.

Q: Can I paint my kitchen cab­i­nets myself?

A: Paint­ing kitchen cab­i­nets is a dif­fi­cult and time-con­sum­ing task, and it’s easy to make mis­takes. Plus, you absolute­ly have to use the right tools, prod­ucts, and tech­niques. We rec­om­mend hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al painter to ensure that your cab­i­nets look their best and per­form the way you need them to.

Q: Are paint­ed cab­i­nets durable?

A. As we men­tioned above, the dura­bil­i­ty is direct­ly linked to the qual­i­ty of the paint job over­all. With the right clean­ing, sur­face prep, primers, paint, and appli­ca­tion, your paint can be very durable and practical. 

Q: What kind of paint do you use on kitchen cabinets?

Many inex­pe­ri­enced painters (DIY and even pro­fes­sion­als) use gen­er­al inte­ri­or paint on cab­i­nets. That just won’t work out in the long run. You need spe­cial­ized paint prod­ucts, specif­i­cal­ly for­mu­lat­ed for cab­i­nets, that dry to a hard, durable, wash­able finish. 

Have more ques­tions about cab­i­net paint­ing in San Diego? 

Con­tact us at Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing! We’ve been paint­ing kitchen cab­i­nets for our San Diego neigh­bors for decades and would love to put our expe­ri­ence to work for you.

You also may like this arti­cle that address­es even more cab­i­net paint­ing FAQ!

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